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Welcome!  This site is dedicated to Vintage Volvo cars...mostly the models 122 (Amazon) and 1800 coupe (as also driven by Sir Roger Moore(†) playing the TV character The Saint ), and also the 444 and 544 models...keeping them running, reliable, and safe while having a bit of *fun.  We are not affiliated with Volvo or the Embassy of Sweden.  Click on this link if you were looking for the Embassy of Sweden in Washington D.C.



01 Feb 2025




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This site is NOT sponsored by: Lucas factory motto:  Home Before Dark!      How can a country which is the home of most Formula 1 teams and therefore also capable of the finest in engineering and materials, foist such junk on customers?  or I've had a total of two cups, and finished them only because they were so expensive, not flavorful!  If bigger is better, I guess they figured burnt to a crisp is better than roasted.  Too bad, I like coffee.


...but it might be sponsored by:

Consume alcohol responsibly...we don't suggest or support impaired driving...but a beer sponsored racecar leading to drinking while driving makes about as much sense as a Sherwin-Williams sponsored racecar leading to painting and driving, or a Viagra sponsored racecar leading to . . .


Broken Vintage Volvo Ignition Key?

Click for Immediate Actions and Options!

What is "The Gorilla Spring?"


Vintage Swedish Iron in Great Race 2022


Volvos at the Farm 2022


Safety Bulletins Attention All Vintage Volvo Owners:

Brake Light Failures!  Safety Bulletin 1

Tech Bulletins


Attention Alternator Upgrade Owners:   

Bracket Failure Tech Bulletin 1

Pivot Bolt Failures!  Tech Bulletin 2

Attention early 1800 Owners only:

Replace your P1800 Fuseblocks!  Tech Bulletin 3

Attention early 1800 Owners only: 

Replace your Fuse 3:  Tech Bulletin 4
Attention 123GT Owners only: 

Wiring Reliability Weakness!  Tech Bulletin 5

Tech Articles

Articles to inform, entertain and help preserve and maintain your Swedish Beauty.  

New Tech articles are continuously being added. 

Recently completed: Major revision/additions to:
  Bosch D-Jetronic Notes

...but if good old SUs are more your speed, see: 

What is ACZP

Read about Anti-Corrosive Zinc Paste for electrical connections.  Put an end to electrical "Gremlins", often caused by corroded connections!  ACZP is superior to the use of Dielectric Grease on electrical connections! 

Bumper Stickers

Amusing, thought-provoking bumper philosophy you might see on an Amazon...

Volvo links

Something Volvo for everybody.  V Surfers Paradise!

Picture Gallery

Pix of interest.

SwEm Kits

Kit news and updates for Jul 2024
(see SwEm Kits page for kit details):

- The popular Alternator Conversion Kit is temporarily out of stock, but leadtime for new batch is less than two weeks.
See: SwEm Kits, Alternator Upgrade Kit,

- Intermittent Wiper Upgrade  ...please e-mail if you are considering installing one, to discuss possible solution options for your vehicle. Many variations in Wiper Systems between the various models and production years exist...it's almost complicated! 

Service Notes

Practical Hints, useful when servicing a Swedish Oldie, including many popular vintage Volvos.
Wiring Diagrams Factory published full Wiring Diagrams, plus Excerpts.


Please help us find...

Just for Fun

And now...for something completely different!

Exotic Customer
Vehicle Pix

Featuring YOUR SwEm equipped vehicle and creativity. 
Product Reviews
What works well, and what doesn't...
Accessorize! Not critical to making your oldie run, but sometimes, you just need 'em!
Funk Hierarchy Careful you don't step into the funk oozing from these Volvos!
SwEm Library Our information reference sources.
Snow Weasel?

Last but not least!


Feedback and Testimonials to Sw-Em Site and Kits

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This site is owned by:
Ron & Wendy
Volvo Lovers' Webring owned by:

Car Freak's Homepage

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Copyright © 1997-2024.  All rights reserved.
This site was launched in 1997, and is updated continuously...mostly, when the spirit moves us   Thank you for the support and many kind words of feedback we have received, from all around the globe, on the usefulness of material presented here!  Also, off-site links are included for additional, related information.   Sorry for any dead links, or links where the content has changed...we can't be sitting around all day and checking all the links either...the reader is welcome to advise of dead links that really bother them...

*This web page is for informational and entertainment purposes.  Any persons being offended by the not necessarily politically correct material on this site need to get a sense of humor and maybe a life!


This site was launched April 1997, and is best 
 viewed in Microsoft Explorer at 1024X768