We only check these links periodically, so please advise Wendy the WebWennch (and you thought you knew what WWW stood for!) if any are nonworking or you have difficulties. 
Thanks, enjoy, and we hope you'll stop by at SwEm again!  

The links on this page have been verified as of 26 April 2009. If your site was removed, drop us a link with the correct address

Surf's Up!


Dennis Engström's Amazon Site

America Sweden

Volvo Sports America

Volvo Club of America

Washington Volvo Club

swedtreas.gif (7891 bytes)

Hirsch Industries, Inc.
Quality Recycled Volvo Parts

revolvstore.gif (1925 bytes)   

Saint Site
see also his P1800

Amazon Site...very good info on differences (including color codes) for each production year.  Lots of pix.  


Ron and Kate Bauers' Homespun Farm Bed & Breakfast in Connecticut...and they own vintage Volvos too!

Rondo's pages on the latest Jupiter 5 Rocket No.3 restauration.


 We'll be happy to add your Volvo link to our page, and you may provide a reciprocal link using our logo below.   

Please send reciprocal linking requests to the Webmaster.

Last update: 26 April 2009


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